
The Chemotherapy Unit was opened on the Isle of Wight in October 2006 and has been designed to provide a spacious, calm and comfortable environment for patients. A Full body low field open MRI scanners are in the price range of £110,000 plus and that is for a reconditioned model.

The service provides oral and intravenous cytotoxic therapies, biological therapies and supportive therapies to adults. It is largely consultant led: treatments are prescribed by six visiting Consultant Oncologists from the cancer centres at Southampton and Portsmouth and two consultant haematologists who are based at St Mary’s Hospital. There is one oncology staff grade doctor who is a permanent member of staff at St Mary’s Hospital who reviews patients who are unwell when their consultant is not present on the IOW, and reviews chemotherapy patients who are admitted to the general medical or surgical wards. Referral to the Unit is via the Oncology Consultants or Haematology Consultants.

Regular donations allow us to fund new treatments and the equipment necessary that can help people live longer, better lives, free from the fear of cancer